MindMap Gallery Terrain characteristics of India

Terrain characteristics of India

India has rich and diverse topographic features, which can be divided into three major topographic regions: the the Himalayas, the central plains and the Deccan Plateau. The the Himalayas is one of the highest mountains in the world. Its main peak is more than 8000 meters above sea level, which has an important impact on India's climate and ecological diversity. The central plains mainly include the Ganges and Indus plains, with flat terrain and being one of the most densely populated and economically developed regions in India. The Deccan Plateau occupies most of the central and southern parts of India, with a high altitude and uneven surface. This is a mind map about the terrain features of India. The map is equipped with an INDIA river system map and includes 10 main branches, namely: GANGETIC PLAINS, Northern Plains are divided into 3 parts, Indus Tributaries/Punjab having 5 water bodies, Doab, Ganga Tributaries, Brahmaputra Tributaries, Indo Gangetic Plains, Bhabar, Terrai, Bhangar, Khadar and Significance of Indo Gangetic Plains. The main branch has sub branches for further detailed description. Suitable for people who are interested in the terrain or geography of India.

Edited at 2023-05-01 07:58:16

Terrain characteristics of India

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